Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Happiness:
Stop Waiting: My fabulous yoga teacher Julia (who I interviewed a couple months back) read this passage in class a few weeks ago and then I later discovered it on Ali’s blog. I hope the message to stop waiting for happiness resonates as much with you as it did for me.
The Possibility in Blank Spaces: Cheryl Moreau writes about why society has a problem with empty spaces (physical, mental and emotional) and comes to the conclusion that this is why: “We focus too much on what’s not there, instead of what is.”
On Being Fearless:
The Fearless Challenge: As mentioned in the photo of the week above, I was so excited when the Hello Fearless team reached out to me about their #Fearlessin15 challenge. Their mission aligns nicely with my message to Get Gutsy, so I’d definitely encourage checking out the challenge and getting involved!
On Writing:
7 Things I’ve Learned So Far: My friend Eric Smith shares seven things he’s learned so far on his writing journey in this inspiring Writer’s Digest article. PS- Eric’s latest book, Inked, just came out this week!
The 100 Best Websites for Writers in 2015: Honored! The Get Gutsy Blog made The Write Life’s list of the 100 Best Websites for Writers for the second year in a row. Be sure to check out the list and get ready to add a whole bunch of new blogs to your daily reads.
This Week on Jessica Lawlor.com:
Get Inspired With The Second Annual Get Gutsy Week: Welcome to Get Gutsy Week 2015! Thanks to the more than 65 participants who shared their stories in the Get Gutsy Essay Contest. Read on to be inspired!
Get Gutsy Essay Contest Winning Entry #1: #GetGutsy + Get Out Of Your Own Backyard by Sara Frandina: Read Sara’s inspiring story all about travel and getting out of your own backyard.
Get Gutsy Essay Contest Winning Entry #2: The New York City Marathon by Kim Kawecki: Kim details the story of training and accomplishing the New York City Marathon, a lifelong dream.
Get Gutsy Essay Contest Winning Entry #3: Get Gutsy- Do Something That Scares You by Kate Sommerkamp: Kate opens up about one of her major fears…and how she got over it.
Get Gutsy Essay Contest Winning Entry #4: Facing Fears and Getting Gutsy by Robin Botie: Robin’s beautiful story of love, life and loss is a tearjerker. Grab tissues!
Get Gutsy Essay Contest *Bonus Entry*: How a Diagnosis Led to a New Definition by Jamie Lawlor: My own sister Jamie details her experience with a scary diagnosis and how it forced her to get gutsy, even when she didn’t want to.
- Get back on track with nailing down the details for the launch of my course 30 Days of Gutsy. After running the beta group in November and hosting the Get Gutsy Essay Contest and Week in December/January, I took a break from course prep and am now ready to dive back in and launch this thing! (Interested in being the first to know details about the course? Drop your name here.)
- Continue working on two freelance articles due in February- I’ve completed most of the interviews (10 total!) and am ready to start writing.
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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