Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
Editor’s Note: Welcome to the 52nd edition of Start Your Week Right Sunday! This blog turns one on Tuesday and I couldn’t be more thrilled! I’m so happy to have the opportunity to highlight the work of other awesome bloggers and share useful and inspiring links with you for one full year. Compiling this weekly feature is one of my favorite parts of blogging. I hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as I enjoy writing them.
Feel free to dive into the archives to view past Start Your Week Right Sunday posts. Onto this week’s links!
On Blogging:
A Brilliant Way to Organize Your Feedly or Your Favorite RSS Tool: Looking for a more effective way to read the blogs you love? Alexis Grant explains how she uses Feedly to better organize her must-reads to keep up with for her business. Thanks for the shout out about my how-to-use Feedly guide, Lexi!
On Freelance Writing:
9 Online Gold Mines for Finding Paid Freelance Writing Jobs: If you’re a freelance writer (or want to become one) this post by Kelly Gurnett for The Write Life is a must-read. Be sure to bookmark this one for the future when you’re looking for potential new business!
On Productivity:
The One Productivity Tool That Saves Me 4 Hours A Week: We’re all looking for ways to use time wisely, right? Carrie Smith from Careful Cents shares her favorite productivity tool: Pocket. I also love Pocket, so if you’re not yet using it, check out Carrie’s guide.
On Public Relations:
The Top 5 Twitter Chats for PR Pros: Over on the Philadelphia Public Relations Association blog, I highlight the top 5 Twitter chats for public relations professionals. Do you have a favorite Twitter chat?
On Life:
How to Deal When Everything’s Not Okay: Sometimes you can’t fully focus on your job or business because life gets in the way. Kelly Gurnett from Cordelia Calls It Quits shares some advice for how to deal when things really aren’t going your way, but you need to continue being your chipper, hustling self.
Just For Fun:
Justin Timberlake Shows Us How Dumb We Sound When We Use Hashtags: If you haven’t seen this video yet, stop right now and watch. You will laugh out loud…and if you’re guilty of using hashtags in real life like me, you may want to reconsider 🙂
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
Hi, My Name is Jessica and I’m Addicted to My iPhone: Are you as addicted to your smartphone as I am? It’s definitely not a good thing, but I think we all can relate to some of the feelings I describe in this post.
#ProjectPumpkin: The Quest to Find Fall’s Best Pumpkin Spice Coffee: One week. Two girls. Five Pumpkin Spice Coffees from five different shops. Only one cup can be crowned the winner. Find out who was crowned the ultimate pumpkin coffee to enjoy this fall!
- Celebrate my ONE-YEAR anniversary of this blog on Tuesday! A special post is coming your way, so be sure to stay tuned to the blog later this week. Also, subscribe to my newsletter for more exciting news, exclusive only to newsletter subscribers.
- Have a fabulous mother-daughter getaway to Savannah this week! We head off to the South for a long weekend later this week and I’m so excited to explore! Any must-see’s or must-do’s while I’m in Savannah?
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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