Halfway Through 2011: Goal Check-In

Clearly, I’m obsessed with goal setting. Just last week I shared my goals for the summer, but yesterday it dawned on me that, OH MY GOODNESS, it’s July! We are officially halfway through 2011. Um, when did that happen?

Anyway, you know what that means. Time to check in and re-visit those good old new year’s resolutions. Let’s see how I’ve done so far in 2011…

Reading Goals:

1. Read 100 books this year.

In Progress. I’ve only read 37 books so far this year. I’m still confident that I will reach 100, even though I’m a little behind. I usually read more in the summer, so hopefully I can get on track these next two months.

2. Try out new genres! Specifically, I’d like to try out paranormal and fantasy. Any recommendations?

Check! I think I definitely branched out in terms of genres. I read and enjoyed DIVERGENT (dystopian) HOURGLASS (sci-fi-ish), DECEPTION (supernatural) and DEADLY LITTLE LIES (paranormal). Way out of my comfort zone, but a very good thing!

3. Write at least 80 book reviews.

In Progress. I’ve reviewed all 37 books that I’ve read so far this year.

4. Buy more books whether it be for my iPad or for actual books.

In progress. I’ve definitely been buying more books than I normally do. Although I still love my library!

5. Ask my local library how I can get involved. Perhaps joining their board, volunteering my time, helping to host programs? I want to spread the bookish love.

Not yet. Still haven’t gotten around to this….I definitely want to!

6. Continue sharing what I read on Goodreads and maybe check out some other bookish sites. What are your favorite bookish sites?

Check! If anything, I’ve become more obsessed with Goodreads. Though I haven’t checked out many other bookish sites. Unless you count the wonderful Netgalley, which I love!

Writing Goals:

1. Spend less time reading about writing and instead, use that time to write.

Fail. I really need to work on that this summer.

2. Finish writing a novel this year. I don’t care how often I write, how good it is or what it’s about. I just want to complete one full manuscript this year that I can edit, tear apart and work with.

Not yet…hopefully to be in progress soon!

3. Just keep writing. Blog posts, short stories, poems, guest blogs, freelance pieces, lists, ideas, scenes, PR pitches, etc. Write in any avenue I get the opportunity to write in.

In progress. I am writing allllll the time for work, and a lot outside of work too. Though I’d like to freelance more in the second half of this year.

Blogging Goals:

1. Attend more bookish events! I have plans to attend Book Expo America and the Book Blogger Convention. I also want to attend more author signings.

In progress. I didn’t attend BEA, but I did go to NYC for the Teen Author Carnival where I got to hang out with some really cool bloggers. AND I’m heading to a Jennifer Weiner book signing in Philadelphia in a few weeks!

2. Meet more book bloggers in person. I need more real life friends who I can discuss books with, so what better way than to take these amazing friendships I’ve made online offline? I know that Jamie, Steph and Melissa all live around the same area I do, so I hope to make plans with them in 2011! Do you live in the Philadelphia area? Let me know!

In progress. I got to hang out with Jamie and Steph earlier this winter and then met a bunch of bloggers at the Teen Author Carnival.

3. Review books soon after finishing them. I sometimes wait and write a whole bunch of reviews at once and I feel like the quality of the review decreases when I can’t remember the little details of why I loved a book so much.

In progress. I’m definitely getting better at this one. And my reviews really are so much better when I write my review soon after finishing.

4. Interview and feature more people in the publishing industry. I currently interview lots of authors on my blog (which I’ll definitely continue!) but I think it would be cool to spotlight agents, editors, publicists and other bookish people, as well.

Not yet. Stay tuned hopefully.

5. Keep connecting with more book bloggers. My Google Reader is out of control with book review blogs and I absolutely love it. I want to meet even more awesome bloggers this year.

Check! I’ve added so many more amazing blogs to my Google Reader and built relationships with bloggers who I didn’t know before.

Personal Goals:

1. Maintain my workout schedule. Hooray! For once in my life, my goal is not to start working out. I’ve been steadily hitting the gym 3-4 times a week since September.

CHECK, CHECK, CHECK. This is the goal I am most proud of. I work out about six times a week and I’ve done three 5K’s since 2011 began! I also try to take zumba at least two times a week. I am so glad that I am finally working out and eating healthy. I can honestly tell you I have NEVER felt better.

2. Stay involved with the PR community in Philadelphia. Attend events, network (on and offline), and continue to hold leadership positions.

Check! I served as the social media chair and blog editor for the Philadelphia Public Relations Association this past year, and next year I will serve as the college relations chair. I’m really looking forward to it! Additionally, I joined the young alumni board of the university I graduated from.

3. Make it a point to mentor someone- whether it be a PR student, a new book blogger, whatever. I’d like to pay it forward since so many people have mentored me over the last year.

In progress. I think I’ve informally mentored a few different people in blogging and job searching. It feels good to help others! I’d love to do more though!

4. Put myself out there socially. After graduation, my friends all moved back home to various parts of the country leaving me with a pretty empty social calendar. I want to take advantage opportunities to meet new people this year.

Eh. I haven’t been so good on this one. I’m finding it really hard to maintain friendships after college. I need to put more work into this goal, for sure.

Overall, not too bad so far! It seems like most  of my goals are in progress or completed. I’m pretty proud of how I’m doing so far. Although, I definitely have some room for improvement when it comes to writing…

Have you taken a look back at your 2011 goals or resolutions? How are you doing with your goals so far this year?


5 thoughts on “Halfway Through 2011: Goal Check-In”

  1. I love this post. It’s always nice to reflect back on the goals set months ago and see what you prioritized already, vs what needs to be prioritized from here on out.

    Good luck on writing! It’s funny: after I finished one full manuscript, it became a lot easier to mentally prepare to do another, and then actually working through it became easier. Getting through that first one, I think, is key to being ABLE To do it.

    1. Jessica Lawlor

      @kelly, I love reflecting on goals, especially when I seem to be making progress 🙂 Thanks for the well wishes on writing. That’s definitely a good tip about just finishing one full manuscript. I hope your writing is going well!

  2. It’s a great post! So many people set goals but don’t go back review them any more. I really appreciate all your efforts of making contributions back to the community. You are such an inspiring role model for me!

  3. I would like to say that you mentored me! I had some questions for you and you spent the time to give me answers and guidance… you are my mentor! It doesn’t have to be an everyday thing! You don’t even have to seek it out. I needed advice and you were there with bells on and helped me tremendously! 🙂 Thanks mentor!

  4. There are a couple goals that I can help you with:

    1. Expanding your reading horizons (I’m eclectic–too much so).
    2. Interviewing writers, editors, etc. I know a few that might do it. Including a publication.

    I suppose that I should introduce myself, shouldn’t I? My name is already presented, so I don’t need to do that. Let’s see… I found you through #PRStudChat. Apparently, we’re both interested in the mentor/mentee program that they’re working on (though likely for different positions). I’m an aspiring author and venturing into the PR field.

    Is that good?

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Meet Jessica

I live by the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and help others do the same to reach their biggest, brightest goals. Read my story here.

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