Each monthly check-in, I share three things I accomplished in the previous month and preview three things I’m excited about or hoping to accomplish in the month ahead. It’s fun to look back and forward, and as an added bonus, these monthly check-ins keep me accountable to reach my goals.
I hope you’ll join in and share your three things in the comments section! I’ve been thrilled to see that other bloggers enjoy my monthly check-ins and have adopted the format for their own blogs- this is AWESOME! If you write a similar monthly check-in/look ahead post, please feel free to utilize this format and be sure to leave a link in the comments below so we can all support you in your goals for the coming month!
In November, I…
1. Enjoyed the last bits of fall. Fall is my favorite season, and I had a blast getting out and about in the Philadelphia area to soak it all in. My boyfriend and I enjoyed a really beautiful day wine tasting, I went to a super fun tailgate for my alma mater, Temple University, and in general, just loved driving around seeing all the colors. I also put my crockpot to good use in November, making my first few meals. Adulting, right?
2. Started teaching at a new yoga studio. My yoga teaching schedule continues to surprise me. A brand new studio (Rebel) opened in Chestnut Hill, literally blocks from my place, so I was honored when they added me to their teaching schedule. The space is absolutely gorgeous- see photo above! I love the exposed brick. I teach on Fridays at 9:30 a.m., but stay tuned because I’ll be adding a new class to my schedule very soon.
3. Celebrated Thanksgiving. I always love Thanksgiving, and this year was particularly special because I got to spend it both with my amazing family, as well as my boyfriend’s family. The weekend started off with a fun night out on Thanksgiving Eve and the good times continued through the holiday, shopping over the weekend and going to the Temple football tailgate. It was a very full and happy weekend, for sure.
In December, I will…
1. Officially launch my business. After months of teasing, I’m finally ready to share the new name of my business and the direction I’m heading in 2017 and beyond. If you’re reading this now, you know that I already shared the big news, but I’ll share more details early next month.
2. Go to my first Philadelphia Eagles game! The cat’s out of the bag on this one, but I got my boyfriend tickets to the Eagles game for Christmas. Lucky me, I also got to enjoy his gift 🙂 I’ve never been to an Eagles game, so I was super excited for my first experience- more on that next month!
3. Indulge in lots of holiday fun. I absolutely love this time of year, and my calendar has been packed with so many fun events! I’m writing this a bit later in the month than usual, so some of this has already happened, but I hosted a Christmas pajama party, attended a cookie swap and an ugly Christmas sweater party. Coming up this weekend, I’m excited to go to either Peddler’s Village or Longwood Gardens to check out the Christmas lights…and of course, actual Christmas is coming up very soon! I still have lots of shopping to do.
November Posts You May Have Missed
Becoming CEO: Month Nine of Solopreneurship
Cheers! Join Me For a Virtual Happy Hour
Jessica Around The Web
Guest posts, articles and other places you can find me this month online.
Freelancer Spotlight: Jessica Lawlor– Horkey Handbook
Join the December 13 #PRStudChat– PR Expanded
Linked I Loved in November
Some of you may have noticed I discontinued my Start Your Week Right Sunday link roundup. Don’t worry, I heard you! Many of you told me you love seeing what I’m reading, so now I’ll be sharing my favorite links monthly here in my monthly check-in.
Confessions of an Instagram Influencer: I’m fascinated by the world of Instagram influencers, so I loved this tell-all piece from Max Chafkin about his experiment to go from 212 followers on Instagram to influencer.
It’s Going to Be Okay: If you’re still feeling any type of grief over the election, this read from Wait But Why definitely impacted me in a positive way.
How to Make Your Last Name Plural This Christmas Season: Even though I’m a self-proclaimed grammar nerd, for some reason, I can never remember rules around making last names plural. This Slate article from Kate Brannen cracked me up!
What Being a Working Mom is Really Like: I’m not a mom yet, but Alexis Grant (#clientlove and friend) is one of the people I admire most, and I really enjoyed her perspective on what it’s like to be a mom and an entrepreneur.
The Four Risks of Running Your Own Business Full-Time: Jess from Jess Creatives is such a wealth of knowledge when it comes to business stuff. I enjoyed her take on the risks you take when you run a biz- I can relate!
Ghostwriting Can Pay Up to $60/Hour. Here’s How to Get Started: Ever thought about becoming a ghostwriter? My friend Lisa Rowan explains how in this post for The Penny Hoarder.
What did you accomplish in November and what are you looking forward to accomplishing in December? Share your three things in the comments below!
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