Each monthly check-in, I share three things I accomplished in the previous month and preview three things I’m excited about or hoping to accomplish in the month ahead. It’s fun to look back and forward, and as an added bonus, these monthly check-ins keep me accountable to reach my goals.
I hope you’ll join in and share your three things in the comments section! I’ve been thrilled to see that other bloggers enjoy my monthly check-ins and have adopted the format for their own blogs- this is AWESOME! If you write a similar monthly check-in/look ahead post, please feel free to utilize this format and be sure to leave a link in the comments below so we can all support you in your goals for the coming month!
In September, I…
1. Kicked off another year with the Temple Women’s Network. I’m honored to serve as president again this year for the Temple Women’s Network, Temple’s alumnae society for women. We kicked off the year with another successful brunch. About 75 women were in attendance and we heard from the fabulous Lu Ann Cahn, author of the book, I Dare Me. I’m so excited for the coming year with TWN; we have some fabulous events planned: another yoga event (It’s called Sangria and Savasana…come on, you know you want to be at that event), Homecoming, a holiday party and lots more on the agenda. It’s so powerful to be part of this group of inspiring women who want to lift each other up.
2. Traveled to Erie for work. In September, I spent a week in Erie, PA for work. Luckily, I had an awesome co-pilot in Kaitie. We had an epic six-hour playlist for our journey that actually ended up taking about 8-9 hours. On the way there, we made a pit stop at Penn State- I’ve never been to main campus, so it was really cool to see! PSU is totally it’s own little city. When I wasn’t working in Erie, I had a chance to check out a few of their wineries and breweries, explore the beach and get to a 5:30 a.m. power yoga class. The drive home was just as long, but again, Kaitie and I made the most of it and had a blast. Plus, Kaitie has the best taste in music and I now have a ton of new songs for my yoga playlists.
3. Continued my yoga teaching journey. A few months after teacher training ended, I wrote my final teacher training recap and shared an update about what I’ve been up to since training ended. This month was really pivotal in my work with my yoga mentor Jennifer from Chime Yoga and Mentoring. We met weekly and I learned so much from her this month, especially after she came to one of my public classes and also watched a private class I videoed for her to review. Her feedback is so valuable to me and our work together is making me a stronger teacher. I subbed four times in September, so I’m glad I’ve been able to continue teaching regularly.
In October, I will…
1. Officially start my own yoga class! I am beyond excited to share that starting this month, I officially have a weekly class on the schedule at my home yoga studio! 🙂 After graduating from teacher training in June and subbing all summer, I was so thrilled when the studio owner reached out to me and asked if I’d be interested in a slot teaching at their newest studio on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. Of course, I immediately replied, YES! My class starts later this month- if you’re interested in coming, leave me a comment below and I’ll share details! I’m so excited to teach regularly and continually write new flows, hone my teaching skills and share my passion for yoga with others!
2. Travel to Nashville for my annual mother-daughter trip. Every October, my mom and I take a long weekend getaway together. Our goal with these trips are to see more of the United States since we generally tend to be island people when we go on longer vacations. In 2013, we traveled to Savannah; in 2014, we visited Charleston…and now in 2015, we’re heading to Nashville! (Sensing a theme with going South here?) I already have a L-O-N-G list of awesome restaurant recommendations, but if you have any Nashville favorites, please share them in the comments below! I don’t know too much about this fantastic city, but I’m excited to explore.
3. Indulge in lots of fall fun. October is always one of my favorite months of the year! My calendar is currently packed with so much fun stuff; some fall-related and others, just plain fun. The month kicked off with a concert (Ben Rector, so good!) and a weekend full of yoga when Carson Clay Calhoun (famous yogi on Instagram!) came to my studio for a weekend of workshops. I had a fall baking day with my friend Kelsie (butternut squash soup, pumpkin bread and pumpkin snickerdoodles…YUM). Later this month: Temple Homecoming, a scary visit to Eastern State Penitentiary, Halloween 5K, pumpkin picking and wine tasting, teaching a yoga class to the PHLBloggers and so much more. OH, and the blog also turned THREE in October!
September Posts You May Have Missed
Get Gutsy With Kit Whelan: “I’m a Digital Nomad”
Another Peek Into A Day In The Life As a Side-Hustling Solopreneur (Plus, An Amazing Deal for You!)
My Journey to Becoming a Yoga Teacher: Final Weekend Recap and Life After Teaching Training
Jessica Around The Web
Guest posts, articles and other places you can find me this month online.
7 Steps For Promoting Your Personal Brand– for PR Daily
Five Ways to Keep Your Content Marketing Fresh– for Scribewise
What did you accomplish in September and what are you looking forward to accomplishing in October? Share your three things in the comments below!
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