Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Yoga:
Be Grateful for Your Body: At the end of each yoga class, my fabulous teacher, Julia Paddison, always says, “Thank yourself for making the time to be here. Feel grateful to have a body that is capable of being here.” She explains the story behind these powerful words.
On Impostor Syndrome:
Awards and Impostor Syndrome: My friend Sarah recently won an amazing award- 40 under 40 from her grad school alma mater. (Keep in mind, she’s 25 years old!) When Sarah found out she won the award, she immediately thought it must be a mistake…impostor syndrome at its finest. Read her story and learn how she’s working to overcome that mean impostor syndrome monster that has impacted us all at one time or anothr.
On Content Marketing:
How To Write Enticing Sales Copy To Support Your Content Marketing Efforts: One of the main goals of content marketing is selling something whether it be a product or a service. Here are some lessons learned from writing my first sales page for the 30 Days of Gutsy course, for the Scribewise blog.
On Biz:
What To Do When You Feel ‘Should-y’ About Your Business: Do you have the case of the ‘shoulds’ when it comes to your business? I’ve definitely experienced this. Sarah Von Bargen explains what to do when you feel the ‘shoulds’ creeping up on you.
On PR:
The Spin Sucks Inquisition: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Gini Dietrich and her team’s Spin Sucks blog is one of my all-time favorite PR reads. To be featured as her Spin Sucks Inquisition of the week was an amazing honor. Find out why I think spin sucks and my favorite book, as of late!
On Writing:
Conduct Better Phone Interviews: 5 Strategies for Freelance Writers: I recently conducted more than 10 phone interviews for two magazine articles (whew!) Along the way, I picked up some tips and tricks for phone interviews that I share in my first guest post for The Write Life.
On Getting Gutsy:
This Collection of Essays Will Inspire You to #GetGutsy in 2015: Whoa! I was so surprised and excited when Brazen Careerist wrote an entire post about the 2015 Get Gutsy Essay Contest.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
Tell Me: What’s Your Big Goal Right Now?: I’m itching to know…What’s the one BIG goal you’re working toward right now?
Get Gutsy With Amanda Piccirilli: I Overhauled My Lifestyle to Become a Better Version of Myself: Each month, I interview people who get gutsy- step outside their comfort zones to reach their goals. Today: meet runner & healthy living enthusiast Amanda Piccirilli.
- The March round of the 30 Days of Gutsy course has officially begun! I can’t wait to get to know these nearly 20 go-getters throughout the next 30 days. My main goal this week is to deliver an amazing course that helps the participants reach their goals.
- Finish my yoga reading and hOMework. Teacher training starts next weekend! I’m so excited. More on that later this week!
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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