Each month, I share three things I accomplished in the previous month and preview three things I’m excited about or hoping to accomplish in the month ahead. It’s fun to look back and forward, and as an added bonus, these monthly check-ins keep me accountable to reach my goals.
I hope you’ll join in and share your three things in the comments section! I’ve been thrilled to see that other bloggers enjoy my monthly check-ins and have adopted the format for their own blogs- this is AWESOME! If you write a similar monthly check-in/look ahead post, please feel free to utilize this format and be sure to leave a link in the comments below so we can all support you in your goals for the coming month!
In November, I…
1. Traveled to Huntsville, Alabama for the Social Media Tourism Symposium. I’m lucky enough that my job gives me the opportunity to travel to places I’d normally never visit for awesome and educational conferences. In early November, I traveled to Huntsville, Alabama (home of Space Camp) for a conference all about social media and tourism. The sessions I attended were fantastic and I left the conference with a ton of takeaways that I put together in my post about the top 5 PR and social media trends for 2014. While at SoMeT, I also had the opportunity to test out Google Glass for the first time, which was very cool!
2. Completed (and exceeded!) my goal of 13 races in 2013. I’m thrilled to share that I completed my goal of running 13 races in 2013 a whole month early! I ran three different races in November- a trail 5K in Quakertown, a two-mile race through Shady Brook Farm’s Holiday Light Show (so cool!) and as per tradition, the Gobble Wobble 5K on Thanksgiving morning with my little sister Jamie. The Gobble Wobble put me at 14 races for the year, which I’m thrilled about, because last year, I was scrambling a bit to finish 12 in 2012. I may try to do one more holiday-themed race in December, just for fun, but we’ll see.
3. Had my work published on PR Daily. If you work in PR, you’ve likely heard of PR Daily. They are an amazing resource for communication professionals and I look forward to their daily lunchtime email filled with useful links every day. After I published a post on my own blog about PR and social media trends for 2014, I was amazed by how many times it was being shared on social media, so I decided to pitch Ragan.com and PR Daily to see if they might be interested in republishing the post. Sure enough, they were and that post has been shared more than 500 times! Whoa. It’s definitely an honor to have my name and work attached to this site and I look forward to pitching them more ideas in the future!
In December, I will…
1. Launch my first-ever #GetGutsy contest. Stay tuned! I’ll be sharing more details later this week, but this month, I’m going to be launching and hosting my first ever #GetGutsy contest. In preparation for 2014, I want to challenge you to reflect on how you reached your goals in 2013 and plot out how you can be more gutsy and do just that in the new year. I want to hear YOUR #GetGutsy stories. I hope you’ll all participate! This is going to be fun.
2. Participate in the Runner’s World Holiday Running Streak Challenge. As I shared on the blog last week, this month, I’m taking on a challenge that’s going to push me further out of my comfort zone fitness-wise than I’ve ever been before. I’ve committed to running at least one mile a day, every day from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day. So far, I’m five days into the challenge, feeling good and going strong! I know it’s not going to be easy, but I created a Facebook group for those I know doing the challenge and more than 30 people requested to join! It’s so inspiring to know that I’m not alone, and everyone’s daily check-ins motivate me to get out there and run.
3. Enjoy every fun and holiday-filled moment of the crazy month of December. My December calendar is jam-packed with holiday events, parties and all-around fun festivities. I have a feeling the month is going to fly by and 2014 will be here before we know it. Here’s just a few things I have on the horizon this month: visiting my college roommate in New York for the weekend, hosting a cookie swap, traveling to Baltimore to see John Mayer in concert, seeing Elf the Musical with my mom and sister in Philadelphia and traveling to Atlantic City for a work conference.
November Posts You May Have Missed
Keep Calm and Run On: Attempting the Runner’s World Holiday Running Streak Challenge
Embracing Uncertainty: Why “I’m Not Sure” Is A Perfectly Acceptable Answer to Life’s Big Questions
Five Hot PR and Social Media Trends for 2014
What did you accomplish in November and what are you looking forward to accomplishing in December? Share your three things in the comments below!
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