Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Life:
25 Things Every Woman Needs To Know: This post by Hannah Brencher is PERFECT. Read it and find yourself nodding along to each of her 25 points about things every woman needs to know.
On Freelancing:
How To Create Your First Invoice as a Freelancer: Getting started with freelancing? You’ll eventually need to create an invoice. Carrie Smith breaks down the process of creating an invoice in this awesome post for The Write Life.
On Careers:
Jobs Come From Everywhere: It’s a well-known fact that networking is a popular way to get a job. However, sometimes you really can get a job just through applying online (this is how I got my first job). That’s why I loved Melissa Anzman’s post this week about jobs truly coming from everywhere.
On Productivity:
Can You Be Too Productive For Your Business?: If you haven’t been over to Dana Sitar’s site in awhile, click over and settle in. So much good, honest content there. I really enjoyed this post about honing in on your one big goal, prioritizing that and forgiving yourself for other things that may need to get put on the backburner.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
Ask Me Your Freelancing Questions: As part of my one year Get Gutsy blog celebration, I want to answer all of your freelancing questions! Subscribe to my e-newsletter, submit your question and keep an eye on your inbox on Monday for the answers to all your freelancing questions.
Monthly Check-In: Goodbye September, Hello October: Each month, I share three things I accomplished in the previous month and preview three things I’m excited about for the upcoming month. Here’s my latest monthly check-in.
- Find a balance between yoga and running this week. Now that I’ve discovered hot yoga, I find myself wanting to go every day and forgetting about all other types of exercise, including my first fitness love- running. I know both running and yoga are super beneficial for my mind and body, so I want to find a solid balance between the two.
- Enjoy Temple University’s homecoming this weekend. I’m a proud alumna and I can’t wait to hang out with friends at the tailgate on Saturday and run a 5K through campus on Sunday morning!
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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