In My Mailbox (26)

In My Mailbox, started by Kristi from The Story Siren is an awesome weekly meme to post what books we’ve received this week; whether it was sent for review from a publisher, purchased at a book store, borrowed from the library, or won from a giveaway.

Way back in February, I took advantage of an awesome Groupon deal- pay $10 for a $20 Barnes and Noble gift certificate. Every time I’ve been to the bookstore since then, I’ve thought about using the certificate, but I kept holding out, wanting to buy the perfect book. The gift certificate expires today, so yesterday I headed out to Barnes and Noble and actually ended up buying the book that I originally planned on purchasing when I bought the gift card. Very coincidental and awesome!


Save As Draft by Cavanaugh Lee: I interviewed the lovely Cavanaugh Lee back when her book came out, so now I’m so thrilled to finally have a copy on my shelf.

Ominous by Kate Brian: I am in l-o-v-e with the Private series, and I hear this is the second to last book before the series ends.

What’s in your mailbox today?


5 thoughts on “In My Mailbox (26)”

  1. I love the Private series too. Okay, so I only read the first four books, but that’s only because not all of the books are translated yet. I borrow them at the library. 😉
    Enjoy reading the books you got.

  2. I need to get Ominous. I love this series SOOOOO much! My husband bought me one from the series a few years back when I started really getting into reading. It ended up being the 3rd or 4th in the series so I went out to get the first ones and fell in love. On another Private note, I was searching through Netflix Instand the other day on my XBox and there was a section called “High School TV”. Me, being a major dork started going through the shows and found there was a 1 1/2 hour show/movie based on Private. I fell in love. Of course, I knew what was going to happen, but I couldn’t stop watching it. I thought of you the whole time 😉

  3. I won a copy of Save As Draft and can’t wait to read it! It looks really cute and fun, and I typically enjoy books written in blog/email/letter format.

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I live by the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and help others do the same to reach their biggest, brightest goals. Read my story here.

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