Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Careers:
From Overly Ambitious to Moving Up: I feel like Melissa Anzman is speaking directly to me in this post about why having TOO much ambition can actually be a bad thing for your career.
On Content Marketing:
Four Ways Content Marketing is Like Running a Race: With Broad Street Run training on the mind, my latest post for Scribewise compares content marketing to training for a long distance race.
On Email:
Why It Doesn’t Matter That You May Never Reach Inbox Zero: This article by Laura Vanderkam describes perfectly how I feel about Inbox Zero. And on that note, I should probably go delete the half-drafted email sitting in my inbox from May 2013…
On Yoga:
10 Yoga Lessons Learned Through The Journey Inward: I LOVE Caren Baginski’s blog and yoga wisdom so this post with 10 yoga lessons really struck me this week.
On E-Book Publishing:
Kindle Publishing: A Step-By-Step Guide For Selling Your Book Through Amazon: Bookmarked this one to save for later! Heather van der Hoop outlines exactly the process she used to help Alexis Grant publish her book, ‘You Deserve to Love Your Job,” on Amazon for Kindle.
On Life:
5 Things to Do Before Making a Big Decision: As someone who definitely struggles with decision making, I appreciate Alicia’s tips for making big decisions. I especially love tip #1- “urgent” decisions usually aren’t as urgent as they seem.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
What Are You Going to Choose: Fear or Trust?: Fear or trust? When my perfectly plotted plans go awry and when I feel I have zero control or say in my future, I’m choosing to trust the universe.
- Write an award acceptance speech and deliver it on Friday night! I learned last week that I am the recipient of the Temple University Young Alumni Diamond Excellence Award- such an honor! I will be giving a speech during a business card exchange event, as part of alumni weekend. If you’re a Temple Owl, consider attending the event!
- Focus on healthy living- I already am planning on attending three yoga classes and hope to also run at least two early mornings this week.
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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