Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Side-Hustling:
Businesses That Begin As Side Hustles Are More Likely To Succeed: As someone managing a side hustle along with a full-time job, I loved this post by Alexis Grant detailing a study that shows that businesses launched while the founder is employed and only later become that founder’s full-time focus are one-third less likely to fail than those that began as full-time ventures.
On Work/Life Balance:
Work/Life Balance For Young Professionals Is Actually Possible: Thanks so much to my friend and super smart marketer/blogger Brittany Berger for including me in this eZanga piece (which was republished by Business2Community AND Yahoo!) about work/life balance as a young professional.
On Quests:
What’s The Point Of Your Quest?: The other week, my friend Ron Vitale and I went to see Chris Guillebeau speak about his new book, The Happiness of Pursuit, all about quests. I loved Ron’s take on the event and on finding your own quest.
On Life:
That Awkward In-Between Place: Ever been in that awkward in-between place? You know the one…between the situation you’re currently in and what you really want. Kelly from Cordelia Calls It Quits perfectly outlines this feeling and explains why it’s actually more important than you think.
On Content Marketing:
What The 2014-2015 TV Season Has To Do With Content Marketing: I knew my love of TV would come in handy for a blog post about marketing one day! Here’s my latest for Scribewise about what TV premiere week has to do with content marketing.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
Say No (To Say Yes To The Things That Matter): One of the most difficult words in the English language to say is “No,” but when you say NO, you are actually saying YES to the things that matter.
- Launch my Get Gutsy ebook and celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Get Gutsy blog! SO excited!
- Have an amazing time in Charleston, SC during my mother-daughter getaway next weekend. Have recommendations for things to do, see and EAT in Charleston? Let me know in the comments!
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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