Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
Welcome to the 100th edition of Start Your Week Right Sunday! Crazy to think we’ve been sharing awesome links and publicly announcing our goals together for the week ahead for the past 100 Sundays. Stay tuned for a post on WHY I do this weekly roundup and how it has helped me grow my blog. Here’s to 100 more Sundays!
On Social Media and Love:
How I Met My (Almost) Husband On Twitter: I cannot stop swooning! You’ll LOVE this story of how Alexis Grant met her husband on Twitter after sending out a silly, somewhat out-of-character tweet one night. I wish something like this would happen to me!
On Friendship:
Do You Need a Friend Detox?: Friendships change over time and it’s not easy to accept the fact that sometimes friendships need to end. I love this post by Dr. Danielle Dowling for Mind Body Green. Check out this quote from the post: “Just because you have history with someone doesn’t mean you need to make them part of your future.”
On Taking Chances:
When Playing It Safe Means Playing Small: Akirah Robinson asks an important question: are you choosing to play it safe in your life due to fear? (I hope not!)
On Managing Email:
Why An Autoresponder Will Change Your Life: After outlining some of email woes in my post about what I’m struggling with, the lovely Joanna Platt emailed me this post by Lisa Butler. Lisa recently implemented an email autoresponder to help better manage her inbox…and expectations for replies. Super smart!
On Creating:
6 Ways My Brain Stops Me From Creating- And How I’m Fighting Back: I can’t get enough of the Buffer Open Blog and I could especially relate to this post by Courtney Seiter about the reasons we don’t create things and how we can get out of that mindset to continue creating and producing amazing work. I can especially relate to point #3 about focusing too much on other people’s stuff.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
100 Lessons From 100 Yoga Classes: This is the longest post I’ve ever written-more than 4,000 words and two months of writing! Here are 100 lessons from 100 yoga classes. Some serious, some silly, some inspiring…all gleaned from an ancient practice still beloved by millions today.
- Complete the Philly 10K with a smile on my face next Saturday. It’s no secret that running isn’t really a priority for me anymore, so I have no specific time goals for this race, but just want to try to enjoy myself and have fun running through my city.
- Nail down details for a big project I’m hoping to announce later this week and roll out in October. Stay tuned!
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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