Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Careers:
What To Do When HR Is Dragging Their Feet: If you’ve ever interviewed for a job, you know the frustration that comes from the necessary waiting game. Melissa Anzman shares suggestions for moving the process along in this fantastic piece for CareerMeh.
On Building a Business:
Are You Building A Future-Proof Business?: Carrie from Careful Cents offers up 5 things you can do THIS WEEK to make sure your business sustains for the next 50 years.
Freelance Talk: Tools I Love For Administrative Tasks and How I Use Them: I always love learning about how awesome freelancers keep their businesses flowing smoothly, so I really enjoyed Ashley’s post on tools she loves. (PS- Ashley designed this very blog!)
On Writing:
Your Writing Doesn’t Have To Be Good: “Good isn’t up to the experts. It’s up to the readers.” Smart words from Dana Sitar! Check out why she thinks that in this inspiring post.
On Authenticity:
Living Your Values: Ashley Brooks is right in saying that “authentic” has become a buzz word among bloggers lately. I admit, I’m guilty of saying it often myself. Ashley explains what living authentically really means to her.
On Branding and Blogging:
Launch Yourself Episode 11: Jessica Lawlor About How To Get Gutsy: In case you missed it, this week I was a guest on my first-ever podcast interview! The lovely Melissa Anzman interviewed me about branding, blogging and getting gutsy. Check it out and be sure to subscribe to her podcast for other awesome interviews.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
Monthly Check-In: Goodbye February, Hello March: Each monthly check-in, I share three things I accomplished in the previous month and preview three things I’m excited for in the month ahead.
Lessons From My First Podcast Interview (Plus My Dirty, Little Productivity Secret): Time to get gutsy! Here are lessons learned from my first podcast interview…plus, I reveal my dirty, little productivity secret.
- Enjoy my 26th birthday on Tuesday! No exciting birthday plans, but I’m looking forward to an all-around good day and perhaps a yoga class at night. Here’s hoping my 26th year is the best one yet!
- Get to work on my presentation for my keynote at Southern Illinois University PRSSA’s BrandU event via Skype and a session later that same day at Temple University PRSSA’s Invitational.
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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