Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Careers and Side Hustles:
Lessons Learned From Quitting My Corporate Job: One of my favorite bloggers, Caroline Winn, shares the lessons she learned when she quit her job to pursue photography full-time. So many smart pieces of advice in this post, even for people who AREN’T looking to quit their jobs, but simply want a better work experience.
It’s Not All Or Nothing: Cristina Roman, founder of One Woman Shop, reminds us that when it comes to careers or having your own business or side hustle, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You are no less an entrepreneur if you also have a full-time job or something else to make it all work.
Why Marketers Should Do Side Projects: Janet Aronica explains why working on a side project actually makes her better at her day job and suggests a few potential side projects for those looking for something. I completely agree with Janet’s sentiments! I love my side hustle!
10 Things Not To Say At Work: I’m totally guilty of uttering at least a few of these. This list by Neha Gandhi is super useful for those looking to be more assertive and confident at work.
On Goals:
How to Get Back To Kicking Butt If The Year Is Getting Away From You: Can you believe it’s already March? If your goals from the beginning of the year have gotten away from you, Kyla Roma has some excellent tips to get back on track.
On Life:
Letting Go: My friend Kaitie Burger talks about letting go of a person and of a bad habit in this sincere post. I know I can personally relate to Kaitie’s feelings and I’m sure many of you will, as well.
On Ebooks:
Selling Books on Amazon With Kindle Publishing: Results of Our Launch: Remember when I told you how much I loved Alexis Grant’s new book, “You Deserve To Love Your Job.” If you’re interested in all the juicy details (and financial results) behind selling a book on Amazon, Alexis reveals all in this post.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
How To Deal When Things Aren’t Okay: Getting gutsy means being real and admitting when things aren’t perfect. That’s exactly what I do in this super honest post. Here are some ideas for how to deal when things aren’t okay.
- Continue my yoga practice this week…I’ve been going strong at attending at least three times per week and every time I get a little win (like being able to do a headstand!) it encourages me to keep pushing forward.
- Listen to my first podcast interview! I love listening to podcasts in my car and on Wednesday, my interview with Melissa Anzman will go live! It’s going to be so weird to listen to my own voice, but I’m excited to hear how the interview turned out! I’ll share the link on Wednesday- stay tuned!
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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