Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Writing:
The 100 Best Websites for Writers in 2014: Wow! I am super honored to be included among 99 other amazing and inspiring blogs in The Write Life’s roundup of the 100 best websites for writers in 2014. This blog is #9 on the list, included in the “Business and Career” section. I can’t wait to check out the other websites on the list.
8 Easy Ways To Actually Keep Your Writing Resolution: If one of your New Year’s resolutions has to do with writing, be sure to check out Ashley Brooks’ smart list of ways to keep them throughout the year.
On Freelancing:
10 Websites That Will Help You Break Into Freelancing in 2014: Interested in starting to freelance this year? Carrie Smith shares 10 websites that can help you do just that in this Brazen Careerist post.
On Going Viral:
Going “Viral:” What It Means and an Inside Look On What Actually Happens: Have you seen these hilarious engagement photos going around on the web the past few weeks? You probably have. My friend Marian Schembari explains how her gender-swapping engagement photos went viral and what it really meant for her blog and personal brand.
On Getting Gutsy:
Even though #GetGutsy Week has ended, it’s never too late to share your story! Those interested (like the awesome people below!) can write their own post on their blog and I’ll link to it here on JessicaLawlor.com. Just drop me a line to let me know you’ve posted your own #GetGutsy story.
5 Critical Things I Wish I Had Known Before Starting a Business: Jim Kim shares the important (and gutsy) lessons he’s learned in his first year running his own business. Smart advice for anyone considering freelancing, a side hustle or going out on their own!
Hop, Skip and a Jump Across The Big Pond: Talk about getting gutsy…Chelsea Culter shares her inspiring story of moving across the world to New Zealand.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
Monthly Check-In: Goodbye December, Hello January: Each month, I share three things I accomplished in the previous month and preview three things I’m excited about for the upcoming month. Here’s my latest monthly check-in.
- Get back in the swing of things after an amazing week of vacation. So many emails to catch up on! So many blogs to read! So many guest posts to write. I want to slowly ease myself back in and get to work.
- Start my 3-month hot yoga membership. I can’t wait to start doing yoga more regularly and purchasing this 3-month unlimited class card will definitely help my practice.
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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