5 Simple Ways To Start Your Day Right

Rise and shine! Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, these five simple tips will help you start your day right.

1. Wake up earlier. Seriously. You may think that getting more sleep= having a better day, but I’d beg to differ. Even waking up 15 minutes earlier will give you a boost in your day and allow you to take your time going through your morning routine, without rushing. Oh, and don’t give in to the snooze button. The snooze button will only give you more anxiety when you finally do hop out of bed and realize you need to rush to get ready for the day. Not convinced? Here are the reasons I choose to wake up at 5 a.m. and some tips for waking up earlier.

2. Drink a bottle of water. We all know how important staying hydrated throughout the day is, but I’ve found that if I start my day with a bottle of water, I not only have more energy, but also continue to drink water all day long. Drinking water is also known to boost your metabolism. I haven’t always been an frequent H20 lover, so to make it easier, I purchased a 750 ml Camelbak bottle, which makes it super easy to keep with me and refill often throughout the day. Keep a water bottle next to your bed and fill it as soon as you wake up. As you get ready for the day, drink the entire bottle and see how your energy levels improve throughout the day.

3. Exercise. I recently wrote a post about how to make exercising in the evenings easier, but if I’m being completely honest, I much prefer morning workouts. When you work out first thing in the morning, you have more energy and I generally find that I make better food decisions throughout the day. Plus, when you workout in the morning, you burn more calories throughout the day AND increase mental acuity, making you sharper all day long. And, exercise gives you endorphins; what better way to start your day than with a boost to your mood? As an added bonus, you will feel AWESOME that your workout is already complete while most people are still snoozing. And then? More time for happy hour or relaxation time when you get home from work!

4. Eat breakfast. Sounds simple, right? Eat a healthy breakfast…sitting at your kitchen table. Not running out the door to your car or while riding public transportation. And definitely NOT at your desk when you get to work. Allowing time for a leisurely breakfast, enjoyed in your own home gives you time to actually eat and reflect on the day ahead, without worrying about being anywhere else. Need fun breakfast ideas? I’d suggest doing a quick search on Pinterest for lots of different recipes.

5. Do something that makes you happy. What better way to start your morning than by doing something that makes you happy? My mornings generally consist of blogging or writing freelance posts, while watching Good Morning America. I truly enjoy waking up early to do these things, which makes getting out of bed much easier and also starts my day off on a positive note. Think about what makes you happy and try to spend at least 20-30 minutes doing it each morning to see how it affects your mood.

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Meet Jessica

I live by the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and help others do the same to reach their biggest, brightest goals. Read my story here.

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