Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I’d Love To Have At My Thanksgiving Feast

Today, I’m participating in The Broke and Bookish’sweekly feature Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topic is:

Top Ten Authors I’d Love To Have At My Thanksgiving Feast

Let me just say that if all ten of the below authors came to my Thanksgiving feast, it would be one interesting dinner! Check it out…

1. J.K. Rowling: No explanation needed. Who wouldn’t want the brains behind Harry Potter at their holiday feast?

2. Jennifer Weiner: My absolutely favorite author, Jennifer Weiner, is absolutely hilarious. She would bring some laughter to the table.

3. Lauren Oliver: She has written amazing books and I’d want her at my feast to pick her brain about writing.

4. John Green: His videos are incredible and while I haven’t finished any of his books yet, I know he would be a welcome addition to my Thanksgiving.

5. Lisa and Laura Roecker: I know these are actually two different people but they write, blog and tweet together so I’m lumping them in as one collective guest. Their book is awesome and their blog cracks me up. They’re invited.

6. Susane Colasanti: I adore every single one of her books and she is one of the nicest authors out there.

7. Maureen Johnson: Have you read her Twitter account? She is hilarious and awesome. And her and John Green are friends, so they can sit next to each other.

7. Lisa Scottoline and Francesca Serritella: Again, two people, but they are a mother/daughter duo who write together. Local to Philadelphia, they have a column in our local newspaper but have also written two fantastic books together.

8. Sara Shepard: Her books always keep me on the edge of my seat…I’m sure she could tell a good story that would keep us all intrigued during dinner.

9. Sophie Kinsella: She’s British and adorable and I love her books.

10. Kelly Cutrone: Her no-nonsense attitude and excellent advice in both of her books make her a great addition to the dinner table. She is so real; I’m sure all of my guests would enjoy hearing her tell it like it is.

Which authors would you love to have at your Thanksgiving feast?


6 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I’d Love To Have At My Thanksgiving Feast”

  1. I would definitely want the Roecker sisters at my Thanksgiving fest as well! Their blog is hilarious so I can only imagine how funny they would be in person! Lauren Oliver and Sara Shepard would be fun adds as well, especially since I could possibly get some info about PLL out of the later of the two. 🙂

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I live by the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and help others do the same to reach their biggest, brightest goals. Read my story here.

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