To Kindle Or Not?

I am going on vacation on Sunday and I am struggling with what books to bring (more on this tomorrow). I lamented about this on Twitter and my friend promptly responded, “You need a Kindle.”

I had never really seriously thought about getting a Kindle until now. I’ve been completely anti-Kindle, but now I am sort of starting to see the benefits. If I had a Kindle, I could bring as many books as I wanted on vacation!

However, I just can’t see myself with a Kindle. I love the feeling of a book. I love having a book in my school bag, purse or beach bag. I love pulling out a good book and turning its worn pages, knowing that others have loved it before me. If it’s new, I love feeling the crisp pages and breaking a book in. I love putting a bookmark in the book and placing it on my bedside. Most importantly, I love my bookshelf filled with colorful and fun books that I can re-read or lend to friends.

Here are my pros and cons of purchasing a Kindle:


-Can hold several books!
-Can be brought anywhere
-Ability to download content
-Small and lightweight
-Space saver if you have limited space for books


-Not the same as holding a book
-I feel like it might hurt my eyes after awhile
-It might die and you might not have your charger! A real book will never die.
-Can’t collect Kindles on a shelf like you can books

I guess I’m just not ready to completely switch to a Kindle. I would definitely like to have one for long trips though!

What are your feelings on the Kindle or other E-Readers? Pros and cons?


6 thoughts on “To Kindle Or Not?”

  1. Becky (Page Turners)

    A Kindle isn't for me I have to admit. I need a book in my hands. I do read ebooks on my iphone using a free program called Stanza, but I only do that when I am stuck somewhere without a book. Even if I was going on holiday, I would rather make room in my bags for 2 or 3 books so I can read what I feel like when I get there.

  2. LOL that's exactly the same con's on why I don't have a Kindle. But the more and more I feel myself warming up to them… then resisting. I feel like I'm betraying paperbacks!

  3. Classy Fab Sarah

    I love the idea of a Kindle but that's about all… it's just not the same!

    If the books for Kindles were significantly cheaper, I'd think about it… but yeah, not so much.

  4. I do see the convenience, especially when going on a trip. But I love books too much to ever actually use a kindle.

  5. I've gone back and forth with this as well. But with the nook rather than Kindle. I'm thinking about getting one, however my mom would disown me (she owns a used books store in my hometown).

    There's nothing like picking up a book, but I have such ADD that if I was going on vacation I wouldn't be able to narrow it down and I'd probably be unhappy with my choices because I always want what I can't have.

    Enjoy your cruise!!


  6. I am in this same boat and have decided I am going to ask my husband for one for either a bday or Christmas. My main reason is I have two bookshelves full of books and no where else to put a shelf right now in out apartment. I still plan on buying some books. I will definitely buy the books that I've already started the series, but will buy others onthe Kindle. I'm sure there will be some I'll decide to buy in book form after I read it, I just know I don't have any other place for them now. Plus my dad got one for his birthday and I fell in love. Hey, get a graduation present for yourself, you deserve it. Let me know what you decide!

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