Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Life and Balance:
Less is More (Unless You’re Talking About Oreos): I don’t normally read Young House Love (although I may start now), but when my friend suggested I read this post because it reflected some things I’ve been feeling lately, I listened. The popular bloggers are taking a step back in order to bring more balance to their lives because they realized they were chasing something they don’t really want.
One Of The Most Important Questions To Ask Yourself: This post from Amber Rae is everything. I need to put this quote everywhere as a reminder: “Is this a place where I will expand or will I have to shrink to make this work?”
On Being An Adult:
How To Make Plans Like An Adult: Ohhhh, this post is SMART. Leslie Beslie details how to make plans like an adult. The one I really need to get better at is to stop saying “maybe” to plans, especially when I know the answer is likely a no for whatever reason.
On Yoga:
Four Life Lessons Learned In Yoga: It’s no secret that I’m yoga-obsessed, so I loved Kim from Busy Bod Blog’s post on the lessons her practice as taught her. As an added bonus, follow Kim’s Instagram for some seriously beautiful and impressive yoga pose photos and videos.
On Personal Branding:
Five Personal Branding Tools for PR Professionals: You all know I love me some personal branding tips, so I really enjoyed Brittany Berger’s list of tools for branding. I actually hadn’t heard of a few of these and look forward to checking them out.
On Blogging:
Tool We Love: Click To Tweet: I personally LOVE using Click To Tweet within my blog posts, so if you’re interested in a simple, easy-to-follow tutorial on how it works, check out One Woman Shop’s guide.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
The #1 Way I’m Able To Pack So Much In A Day: Energy Management: Yes, managing your time effectively is important, but for me, it has come down to one thing: energy management.
- My sole goal for this week is to complete (and conquer…hopefully!) the Broad Street Run on Sunday. This is my third year running…and the first year that my training has been not-so-hot. While I’d love to beat my time from last year, I’m trying to focus on finishing and having fun.
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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