Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Freelancing:
Finding Your Dream Clients: Photographer Jessica Hammond shares this smart post about sticking to your vision and choosing the right clients, even if that means turning people down when they aren’t a good fit for your goals.
On Branding:
Why You Shouldn’t Hire a Copywriter- Yet: My friend Amy Chick is kicking butt with her new blog and is launching a series all about brand story development. PLUS, when you sign up for her new email list, you get an amazing About Page template and workbook.
On Change:
Five Reasons to Embrace Change: If you have a case of wanderlust like I do, Liz Carlson’s Young Adventuress blog is a must-read with gorgeous travel photos, stories and much more. This post on why we need to embrace change is just what I needed to read this week.
Letting Go: Great minds…coincidentally, this week my friend Lauren Cox and I both write about letting go on our blogs. I also want to point out another fantastic post Lauren recently wrote about never missing the opportunity to network.
On Dating:
Online Dating: First Date Tips: My good friend (and fellow Philly girl) Emily from the Her Philly blog shares some solid tips for approaching online dating first dates (because let’s face it…they can be super awkward). As a single lady in the city, I can appreciate these tips.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
Letting Go Of The Things That No Longer Serve You: I’m calling BS on the things I’ve been “holding onto.” Here’s a list of 20+ things I’m letting go of to live a more happy, joyful and passionate life.
- Wrap up my free personal branding bootcamp sessions that I gave away to the first seven people who signed up for my video freelancing course. It has been so much fun to chat more in-depth about personal branding with those interested in improving their presence. I’m thinking of offering this as a regular service here on the site in the future. Stay tuned!
- Complete my long run this weekend- 7 miles. I’ve been slacking on Broad Street Run training, but if I want to complete the race, I need to do 7 miles this coming weekend and 9 miles the next week. Hold me accountable, people!
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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