Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Doing Less:
The Challenge of Not Doing: Courtney Carver just speaks to me sometimes. This post about NOT DOING is an excellent reminder to all of us do-ers about the importance of legitimately spending time doing nothing.
On Goals:
You Can Do It: Oh, Janelle. Her words (and her fabulous FRESH START calendar, which is proudly displayed on my bulletin board at work) are so inspiring. I love this uplifting post about reaching your goals.
On Blogging:
How to Start A Blog: Part 5: Philly blogger and friend, Chrystina Noel, has been writing an amazing series on starting a blog. In this latest installment, she details the things she wished she knew when she got started and includes advice from fellow bloggers, including me!
On Careers:
The Myth of the Dream Job: Such wise words from Lisa about that elusive dream job: “So if the dream job doesn’t exist, what are we chasing? I say let’s chase the work we’re proud of, the work that makes us happy, and the work that supports the kind of life we want to live.”
On Life:
How to Spring Clean Your Mind + Life: Anyone else in the mood for a little spring cleaning? Sarah from Yes and Yes details ways to spring clean your mind and life…I LOVE these ideas, especially #1 and #6.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
The Ultimate Guide to Freelancing (Plus, An Amazing Deal for Writers): Want to become a freelance writer? I’ve got your ultimate guide to freelancing right here.
- Complete my yoga teacher training homework for next weekend and get a few more rounds of practice teaching in this week. Stay tuned later this week for the full recap of Weekend 1 of teacher training.
- Book my flight for World Domination Summit in Portland in July! I’ve got my tickets and hotel booked, but need to figure out my flights this week.
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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