Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Taking Time For Yourself:
10 Ways to Schedule Your Downtime in 2015: Caroline Winn introduced me to this fabulous blog by Mary Catherine Starr and I quickly fell in love with this post featuring 10 ways to schedule your downtime this coming year. Think: vacation, weekend getaways, self-care days and more. Genius.
On Personal Branding:
Treat Yourself Like a Client To Build Your Personal Brand in 2015: You all know I love talking personal branding, so I was super excited when the team at Belle Communications asked me to share my personal branding tips. My #1 tip? Treat yourself like you would one of your clients.
On Happiness:
Why We’re Scared of Being Happy (And How To Get Over It): We all want to be happy, right? But when we actually feel it- that feeling of ‘contentment’, it can make us uncomfortable. Kelly from Cordelia Calls It Quits elaborates in this insightful post.
On Productivity:
This Is What Happens When You Ask 12 Blog Editors About Increasing Productivity: Love productivity tips? Kayla Matthews asked 12 blog editors their favorite productivity tip for the Coschedule blog.
On Content Marketing:
Taking Content Marketing Back to Basics in 2015: Let’s bring it back! Taking your content marketing efforts back to the basics could set you up for more success this year, as I explain in my latest Scribewise post.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
VIDEO: Reflections on Get Gutsy Week: All I can say is thank you! Get Gutsy Week 2015 was a major success, thank to you! Enjoy this video with reflections from the incredible week.
Done Is Better Than Perfect (Except When It’s Not): Done is better than perfect. In a lot of cases, I believe this phrase to be completely true. Except when it’s not. Here’s why.
- Write, write, write! I have a long to-do list of freelance writing assignments, guest blog posts and blog interview questions to get cracking on.
- Amp up my yoga practice even more this week. Teacher training starts in one month and I’m excited to prioritize and really focus my efforts on my practice. I want to get a jump start on that this month.
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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