Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Writing:
19 Websites and Magazines That Want to Publish Your Personal Essays: Have a story to share? Lisa Rowan rounds up 19 websites and magazines that accept personal essays in this fabulous resource post for The Write Life.
On Blogging:
6 Things Your WordPress Site Wants You To Do Every Month: If you use WordPress to run your blog, you’ll want to bookmark this post by Norma Maxwell with six things you should do every month to keep your site running smoothly.
On Life and Love:
Start With The Ending: Kira Sabin encourages us to “start things the way you want them to end.” What a beautiful, encouraging way to look at new beginnings.
On Work:
My Freelance-aversary and Some Thoughts On Making Your Life What You Want: I absolutely love this post from my web designer Ashley. So many important lessons in this post…my favorite? “Remember that (mostly) nothing is permanent and that fear shouldn’t get to dictate all of our decisions.”
A Day In The Life Of A Female Business Owner: I really enjoy reading Day In The Life posts and seeing the way other people manage their days. If you’re interested in learning how a female solopreneur runs her day/biz, check out this post by Carrie from Careful Cents.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
Long Weekend Getaway: Where to Stay, Eat and Play in Charleston, South Carolina: Ready for a fall getaway? If you’ve never been to Charleston, here’s your guide to a long weekend getaway in this charming Southern city.
Monthly Check-In: Goodbye September, Hello October: Each monthly check-in, I share three things I accomplished in the previous month and preview three things I’m excited for in the month ahead.
- Complete interviews for two big freelance articles I’m working on for a healthcare magazine. The articles are due later in October and required several interviews. Now I need to get the information organized and get writing!
- Enjoy a fun girl’s weekend with my roommate from college. She’s visiting from New York and I love lots of fun fall plans for us. Fingers crossed for good weather!
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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