Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Ambition:
How To Be Ambitious: I can *totally* relate to Sarah from XO Sarah’s post about ambition and love the lessons she shares from more than 30 years of being ambitious. Who else can relate?
On Life:
It’s Not Your 20s, It’s Life: Forget about the quarter life crisis; Alicia from Jaybird Blog lets us know that these struggles we experience in our 20s? It’s life (and the 20-something generation just happens to be more vocal about our challenges because of social media). Smart post!
On Willpower:
The Willpower Instinct: My friend Stephany from Stephany Writes (who I finally met in person last week) details some of the things she learned about willpower in a book called The Willpower Instinct…this one sounds right up my alley!
On Writing:
5 Ways to Focus on Writing In The Summer: Have trouble writing in the summer? Sometimes I do. It’s easier to write when you’re cozied up with a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter’s day. Ashley from Brooks Editorial details five ways to help you continue your writing practice through the hotter months.
On Copywriting:
The Copy POWER Hour: If you need some help with your copywriting, my friend Sara Frandina is your gal! She’s offering an amazing deal on her product Copy POWER Hour (she’ll edit three pieces of your writing + give you an hour-long personal session to improve your writing) and best of all? She’s offering this deal help kick cancer’s butt, in honor of her cousin.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
Are You An Introvert or Extravert?: All my life I thought I was an extravert, but recently after learning more about the difference between extraverts and introverts, I think I just might be an introvert. What about you?
- Work out at least 5 times this week (super ambitious goal here!). I’m going on a cruise next week and while I know hardcore working out the week before vacation won’t help me lose an insane amount of weight or anything, I know it will make me feel better heading into a week of indulgence.
- Prep my newsletter/blog posts/freelance work before I leave for vacation so everything continues to run smoothly while I’m soaking up the sun!
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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