I am consistently amazed by the people who read this blog and are part of the #GetGutsy community.
In a recent newsletter, I asked readers to reply and share their big, scary and exciting goal with me. That one goal or dream that keeps them up at night.
Many did…and WOW.
We have an incredible community here of go-getters who are either planning to make big moves or are in the process of conquering them now. I was blown away by your stories (and hope you’ll consider sharing them publicly with the #GetGutsy essay contest!)
Here are just a handful of the goals shared:
- Conquering the quarter-life crisis
- Discovering true passion
- Prepping for the launch of a new website or blog
- Moving to a new city
- Starting a business
- Planning a wedding
- Completing a triathlon
- Making the leap to becoming a full-time freelancer
Pretty big goals, right? Of course, with hard work, determination and persistence, all of these dreams are 100 percent possible.
But there’s one thing in particular that can hold us back from achieving our dreams:
Falling into the comparison trap.
We’ve all been there. I know I have. More than I’d like to admit.
The comparison trap is a dark place where that nasty green monster emerges and makes you question why you aren’t further along in accomplishing your goals. You look at the people who are most successful in your industry and wonder why they seem to have it all together and are reaching their goals, left and right, while you’re left feeling stuck and about 10 steps behind.
Why does he already have a book deal and I’m still floundering on page one of my novel?
Why is her blog so much more popular than mine when she only posts a couple times a month?
How come she got a promotion over me when I’ve been at the job longer?
The comparison trap is not a fun place to be. And it’s most definitely not a productive place to be.
Comparing yourself to others is a major distraction and a waste of time. Because when you place your focus on someone else’s life and someone else’s dreams, you remove the focus from your own.
Remember- everyone has to start somewhere. You don’t always know the complete story behind someone’s success. They, too, had to start at the beginning and work steadily toward their goal.
As Jon Acufff wisely said, “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.”
Jealously is definitely normal. In fact, some might argue it’s healthy, or even inspiring, to a certain extent. So, when you feel that comparison trap coming on, embrace those feelings and use that jealousy as extra motivation to get your rear in gear to move closer to your own goals.
Cherish the excitement, anxiety and passion that fuels your own beginning and allow your own story to unfold.
More on jealousy and the comparison trap:
Matt Cheuvront tells us not to compare our beginning to someone else’s middle.
Chrysta Bairre explains how to stop comparing yourself to others.
Ashley shares why jealousy sucks and how to stop the green monster from attacking.
Rachel diCerbo wisely encourages us to turn jealousy into inspiration.
Have you been affected by the comparison trap? Hve tips for ways to stop letting jealousy hold you back from your goals? Share in the comments below.
Some of the above content came from a previous #GetGutsy e-newsletter. Want more gutsy content delivered straight to your inbox twice a month? Be sure to sign up for my FREE #Get Gutsy e-newsletter filled with inspiration, ideas and action items to get out of your comfort zone.