Wow…it’s hard to believe it’s already the end of August, summer is coming to an end and fall is just around the corner. Where does the time go?
Summer 2013 was pretty incredible.
I didn’t have high hopes or expectations going into the summer months, not really for any particular reason. I simply thought the months would float on by like any other season. I was wrong.
Even I’m surprised by all that has happened both personally and professionally to make this summer pretty transformative.
I will always remember summer 2013 as the season where everything changed for the better.
Here’s why.
Three Lessons Learned from Summer 2013
1. Let go and have fun. Let’s be honest here: I’m completely Type A, always have been, likely always will be. I’m extremely focused on my work and my goals, but this summer I finally learned how to let go and have fun. These past few months, my evenings and weekends have been jam-packed with awesome social activities (see highlights below). In the past, I would have freaked out, craving my alone time and focusing on my never-ending to-do list, but this summer, I prioritized fun. Sometimes you need to be selfish and do just that. This summer, I strengthened existing friendships, made new friends, discovered new hobbies, tried new things and pushed myself way out of my comfort zone.
2. Embrace new hobbies. It’s never too late to pick up a new hobby, interest or passion. When my friend Melissa invited me to yoga one random Saturday in July, I never expected that I’d fall in love with the practice and have it so completely change my mindset. I had done yoga in the past, but I don’t think I was in the right place to truly enjoy and benefit from it. I’m so excited to have picked up a hobby that I can be passionate about and work toward improving. It’s never too late to find something new to excite you!
3. Accept (and love) where you are. I’ve spent way too much time in my life either wishing for the past or longing for the future. Finally, I’ve learned to just be comfortable with being exactly where I am, right now. I can honestly say that I have never felt more comfortable, happy and excited about who I am, where I am right now, and where I’m going in the future. That is solely because I have made the conscious choice to live in the moment and love every minute of it.
Highlights of Summer 2013
June 2013:
- Watched my little brother head off to prom and graduate from high school.
- Attended my cousin Chris’s beautiful wedding and welcomed Aimee, our new cousin-in-law officially to the family.
- Ran a 5K with my friend Rachel.
- Celebrated my goddaughter Charlotte’s first birthday.
July 2013:

- Attended a private John Mayer concert with third row seats.
- Appeared on Action News fan-girling all over the place about John Mayer- not only did the segment air the night of the concert, it ALSO aired on the Fourth of July.
- Began going to yoga again.
- Landed a major new client for my freelance business.
- Ran the Color Run 5K.
- Celebrated my sister Jamie’s 21st birthday with an epic week-long party.
- Went to the Train, Gavin DeGraw and The Script concert.
August 2013:
- Spent a week in my favorite place on earth, Ocean City, NJ, with my family.
- Attended the Philadelphia Geek Awards.
- Joined a mastermind group with four other go-getters to help keep each other accountable to reach our goals.
- Said goodbye to my little brother as he begins his four years at Temple University.
- Went to another John Mayer concert.
- Welcomed home my good friend Stephanie from 6 years in France at her private Diner En Blanc soirée.
Did you learn any important lessons during summer 2013? What were some of the highlights of your summer? Share in the comments below!