In My Mailbox (22)

In My Mailbox, started by Kristi from The Story Siren is an awesome weekly meme to post what books we’ve received this week; whether it was sent for review from a publisher, purchased at a book store, borrowed from the library, or won from a giveaway.

Another awesome week! I still cannot get over how amazing NetGalley is. Even though I’ve been using it for a few months now, I still am so excited when I get approved for a book I’m really looking forward to reading.

I’m off to Arizona for work this week…hopefully I’ll be able to dig into one of these awesome books during my flights!

For Review:

Miles From Ordinary by Carol Lynch Williams:  Wow! Look at that cover…pretty intense, right? This book seems a bit heavier than one I’d normally pick up, but I’m also super intrigued by it because it’s written from the perspective of a 13 year old girl, and I’ve heard that her voice is spot-on and breathtaking. Thanks Sarah from St. Martin’s Press!

From NetGalley:

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter: Another beautiful cover and very intriguing description. Greek Mythology has always been an interesting topic to me, and I’m excited to see how its weaved into this book.

Bumped by Megan McCafferty: No description or reason for excitement needed. This book is by one of my favorite authors and it has an incredible plot.

What’s in your mailbox today?


17 thoughts on “In My Mailbox (22)”

  1. Nothing in my mailbox but you have treasure in yours! All those books are on my TBR list 😀 I hope you enjoy all of them! And good luck for Arizona!

  2. Hello, could you please explain GalleyGrab to me, I don’t get it and I saw someone explained it to you :P.

    Wonderful mailbox, I have the first and second, but I really want to read the third!

  3. I just read and reviewed Miles From Ordinary, and it was amazing. Truly. I hope you love it as much as I did, Jessica! Enjoy your new books! 🙂

  4. Ooh, I loved The Goddess Test and Bumped so I hope you do too! Both are simply fantastic. Miles from Ordinary looks great as well; I’ll be looking forward to seeing you review for it. Happy reading! 🙂

  5. Bumped sounds really interesting to me. And although I haven’t read anything by Megan McCafferty, I think this might be where I’ll start.

  6. What a great bunch of books =)
    I also picked The Goddess Test from NetGalley, I hope you like it!
    Feel free to check my IMM *winks*

  7. NetGalley = sheer awesomeness. I got The Goddess Test and Bumped and can’t wait to read them. Happy Reading 🙂

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I live by the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and help others do the same to reach their biggest, brightest goals. Read my story here.

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