Book Blogging Confessions

Last week, I went on a much-needed vacation to Disney World to hang out with Micky Mouse and all my princess friends, get some sun and have an all around awesome time with one of  my best friends.

Before I left, I had all these wonderful plans of preparing and scheduling blog posts for the five days I was gone. But all of a sudden, it was the night before I was leaving and I hadn’t written one single post.

I got a little panicky inside. I’ve never NOT posted for a long period of time. It’s important to me as a book blogger to be consistent providing interesting content and honest and entertaining reviews. I love this blog and I pride myself on keeping it fresh, fun and up-to-date. I started to get that anxious feeling in my stomach…what if I came back and everyone had forgotten about me and my blog? What if I lost all my followers?

Of course, none of that happened.

For five days, I didn’t blog.

I didn’t even pick up a book (the shock and horror, I know).

I didn’t open my Google Reader.

And guess what?

Life went on. I had a great time. I didn’t worry about making sure I published a blog post every night at 12:01 a.m. I took a little break from social media. My eyes didn’t start to glaze over from staring at a computer screen all day and night. I didn’t beat myself up for not reading a single page for five days straight.

I came home relaxed and rejuvenated.  And itching to get my hands on my Google Reader, which by the way, is well over 1,000 posts. And also itching to veg out on the couch with a good book.

So confession time: it felt good to take a little break from blogging. Sometimes a short break is all you need.  But I’m back now and ready to dive back into the book blogging world. Oh, and you’ll be seeing comments from me on your blogs very soon.

Do you ever feel like you need to take a quick break from blogging and social media to refresh?


6 thoughts on “Book Blogging Confessions”

  1. Definetely! There are times when blogging feels monotonous and whenever that feeling strikes, I detach myself from the computer for a little while. I love blogging and I love being in the know when it comes to books but sometimes I need to disconnect–like you said, life goes on even if you don’t have something new to post about. And I wouldn’t want to miss out on life 🙂

  2. I definitely feel like that and increasingly i get the feeling more often the longer I have been blogging. The only thing to do when the need for a break hits is… take a break! easy. Other peopel are still there when you come back.

  3. Oh yes! I am all for breaks..I start to get in a funk and there is nothing like a nice social media/blogging break to get myself back on track and refocus!

    Glad you had fun!!

  4. Yay! So glad you had a great vacation — I was thinking about you in Disney. I definitely feel the need to take a vacation from social media every now and then, and I’m going to have the ultimate test in April: two weeks (weeks!) away from everything… my cell phone (no texting!), blogging, Twitter, email, etc. When I’m in the UK, there’s no way I’m going to be able to afford to keep up with my online life — and you know? I’m fine with that. In fact, I’m looking forward to the challenge — and the break.

  5. Sounds great! I love Disney World! I took a break for three days, not by choice, but I was at some training and they worked us so hard I didn’t have time. I missed it, though, but that’s probably because I didn’t CHOOSE to take a break, I was forced to. I really don’t think that people will abandon a blog if it’s quiet for a while. I certainly wouldn’t. Although, I probably wouldn’t notice, since I read so many. It’s OK people! If you need a break, take it, and you really don’t even need to tell me you are going to take a break. I’ll be here when you get back…..

  6. First of all, yay for Disney! And the princesses! Second of all, I am in the same boat with you sister. I have been in a reading/writing/blogging slump for the past couple of weeks. I think I have finally crawled out of it, finished my first book in TWO weeks yesterday and blogging for the first time in over a week today. However, I’ve been slacking on the book selling. Just don’t have the energy. And like you, I don’t really feel bad. It was kind of nice. Yes, I hate getting on other people’s blogs, wanting to be wowed by their latest post and not seeing one, but I have to remember we all can’t be blogging all day, every day. I think the little break was just what I needed and I am getting back on the straight and narrow, with lots of NetGalley books to keep me company!

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I live by the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and help others do the same to reach their biggest, brightest goals. Read my story here.

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