Book Review: Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti

Something Like Fate Author: Susane Colasanti ISBN: 9780670011469

Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti tells the story of two best friends and a guy. Lani is a quiet girl. Erin is outgoing. Still, they are the best of friends and they are obsessed with all things that have to do with the idea of fate. They even research a different topic each month and discuss them together.

When Erin starts dating Jason, Lani is shocked when she feels this weird connection with him. She doesn’t tell Erin because she would never want to hurt her best friend.

When Erin goes to work at a summer camp, Lani and Jason begin hanging out. Innocent enough. They just have a connection and get along well. When things start to get serious, Lani freaks out and tries to avoid Jason, but their tie is too strong. They can’t stay away from each other. However, their perfect summer can’t last forever…Erin has to come home eventually.

I really enjoyed this book. Colasanti really knows how to capture a character and make them come to life on the page. In most cases, you wouldn’t want to root for the “other girl” but in Something Like Fate, you want Lani and Jason to be together, even if it might hurt Erin.

I finished this book fairly quickly because I didn’t want to put it down.

I’ve wanted to read this book since I first saw the cover so I was thrilled when this book arrived in my mailbox. I mean, look at the cover? How much does that intrigue you? I am a huge Colasanti fan and I knew I would love this book. In addition to this review, feel free to check out the interview I did with author Susane Colasanti.



3 thoughts on “Book Review: Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti”

  1. I agree, I'm super attracted to the cover! This sort of sounds like "The Unwritten Rule". But I'd still like to read this one!

  2. rachel elizabeth

    okay, so this looks like exactly the kind of chick lit i need to be reading right now. 🙂

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