Book Review: The Karma Club by Jessica Brody

The Karma Club
Author: Jessica Brody
ISBN: 9780374339791

The Karma Club by Jessica Brody tells the story of Madison, a high schooler whose boyfriend has just cheated on her with the hottest, most popular girl in school. Maddy is devastated and wants to figure out a way to make Mason pay.

After her mom drags her to a new age retreat, Maddy learns about the concept of karma. She loves the idea that everything you do in life comes back to you in some way. However, karma just doesn’t seem to be working for her, so she takes it into her own hands to speed karma up.

Jessica gets her two best friends on board and they form a “karma club.” The club’s goal is to find a way to get revenge on all the people who’ve done them wrong, through “karma.” The three girls scheme and come up with hilarious plans to humiliate those who hurt them the most.

However, as karma goes, it works both ways; what you put out comes right back to you…

I’ve been looking forward to this novel ever since it came out earlier this year and I’m surprised it took me this long to finally get my hands on it.

The book was a bit predictable, but there’s really nothing wrong with that. I especially enjoyed reading about the hilarious pranks Maddy and her friends played on those who did them wrong. It was fun to hear them plot and plan to seek revenge, especially since most of the things they did were super funny.

I was a little disappointed because I would have liked to get to know some of the supporting characters a little better. We got to know Maddy quite well- which I enjoy. I love being inside the head of a main character, but there were some supporting characters who I think would have made the story shine a bit more. For instance, Spencer. I loved the short time we got to know him and I would have loved to see more of him, maybe in the beginning of the book.

This was definitely a quick book to get through- I read it in a day or so. This is a cute and enjoyable read.



2 thoughts on “Book Review: The Karma Club by Jessica Brody”

  1. Great review. I got this a while back and it sounds like a really cute read. Here's hoping I can read it soon!

  2. Ooh, there's a Spencer? You know I'm sold. <3

    I've had my eye on this one for a little while, and it sounds cute — as you mention! Think I'll add it to my wishlist.

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