Booking Through Thursday

Today, I’m participating in Booking Through Thursday!

Today’s question is: If you could ask your favorite author (alive or dead) one question …who would you ask, and what would the question be?

What a great question! Okay, so when I read this question I immediately knew that the author I would want to talk to is without a doubt, J.K. Rowling.

However, I have absolutely NO IDEA what I would ask her.

Rather, I would probably have a million and one questions including:

1. How did you come up with such a creative concept and what actually drove you to put those ideas into words.

2. Do you outline? I feel like she must especially since all of the books build on each other and little details are important, but I’d be interested in learning about Rowling’s writing process.

3. Did you ever think that Harry Potter would explode like it did? What were your original expectations when you were writing the book?

Are you participating in Booking Through Thursday? If not, let me know in the comments what author you would choose to ask a question to!


5 thoughts on “Booking Through Thursday”

  1. Amber (Girl with the red hair)

    I would be REALLY interested to know about her writing process because your right, some small details ended up being really important in future books! I love J.K. Rowling and definitely consider her a genius.

  2. Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields

    I have spent a lot of time thinking about JK Rowling and what I would say to her if I met her. I'm just fascinated by her and the Harry Potter series!

  3. That's who I would choose too. And I couldn't narrow down one question. I may just let her talk so I can see how her mind works 🙂

  4. I've heard that she had a huge chart of events and characters to keep track of everything going on the books. It would be so great to talk to her about how she plotted everything out.

    Here's my BTT answer.

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