Book Review: Fourth Comings by Megan McCafferty

Fourth Comings
Author: Megan McCafferty

Fourth Comings by Megan McCafferty is the fourth (and second to last!) book in the Jessica Darling series. Book four opens with Jessica Darling sitting on a bar stool at a dingy college bar in the middle of the day contemplating her relationship with the elusive Marcus Flutie who has just started his first year at Princeton (although he is 23 years old).

Determined to end the relationship because they are just at two different places in their lives, Jessica goes to Princeton and just as she is about to end things, Marcus pops a question we’d never expect to hear from his mouth.

“Marry me.”

The rest of the book is Jessica’s journal written to Marcus. No longer does Jessica write just for herself or for her best friend Hope; this journal is solely for Marcus. This journal documents Jessica’s week-long journey in making her decision to marry Marcus or end things forever.

This book is full of new surprises including one that really had me reeling regarding Hope.

I liked this book, although I wanted to smack Jessica on the head and scream, “Marry him, you idiot!”

It was interesting hearing Jessica’s thoughts with Marcus in mind….although she was writing to him, she did not censor herself. It amazed me how much Jessica could write in one week; how deep her thoughts could be. While I thought this was definitely a different and cool idea, I missed the length of time in the other books. I’m so used to following Jessica over literally years of her life that reading about just a week somehow didn’t satisfy my thirst for all things Jessica and Marcus.

The ending did not satisfy me at all, but alas, there is ONE book left to read. You can bet as soon as my library tells me its in, I will be running over there and tearing through this one last Jessica Darling book.



1 thought on “Book Review: Fourth Comings by Megan McCafferty”

  1. I was so with you — literally wanting to grab Jessica, smack her (probably repeatedly) and demand she accept Marcus's proposal! I mean, seriously — it's MARCUS. LOVE HIM!

    Totally know what you mean about missing the length of time passing in this one… especially since Charmed Thirds was literally her entire collegiate experience in one book! But it was interesting how the journal to Marcus packed in so much in so little space. Loved it!

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