Bookish Meme

I saw this great meme over on Book Chick City and it looked like fun, so I had to try it out!

Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?
I do love hardback books, but I don’t own money (broke college student over here!). I probably own the most trade paperbacks though.

Waterstones, Borders or Amazon?
Barnes and Noble…oh, it wasn’t on the list? Well, I just added it! Barnes and Noble is my absolutely favorite place to wander around wasting time and to buy books. I love Amazon for doing research on books I want to read.

Bookmark or dog-ear?
Ohhhh man! Definitely, bookmarks. I used to dog-ear and my mom always used to yell at me, and now I’m very OCD about the condition of my books, so I bookmark. I don’t actually own any “real” bookmarks; I mostly use random bits of scrap paper, index cards, or notes to myself. This summer, my bookmarks consisted of mostly train tickets, since I did most of my reading on the way to and from work.

Alphabetize by author, or alphabetize by title, or random?
Honestly, my bookshelf is a bit disorganized at the moment. I try to keep books together by series (Gossip Girl books together, Harry Potter books together, etc.) and by author. I definitely need to sit down and go through my bookshelf sometime soon though.

Keep, throw away, or sell?
Throw away?! Do people do that to books? I would never throw away a book. Sometimes I sell old books when my mom holds a yard sale, but most I’ve held on to all the books I love.

Keep dust jacket or toss it?
Keep it, for sure!

Read with dust jacket or remove it?
It depends on where I’m reading. When I lifeguarded, I would remove it since I was outside in the sun and near water, and didn’t want to damage the cover. If I’m just at home reading, I’ll keep the dust jacket on.

Short story or novel?
Definitely novel…we all know how well my short story reading went…

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan, although I’ve never read Lemony Snicket…should I give it a try?

Buy or borrow?
At this point in time, borrow. I’m currently LOVING my local library and it’s awesome online reservation system. Hopefully, once I graduate college and have a steady paying job, I’ll be able to feed my book buying addiction again.

Buying choice: book reviews, recommendations, or browse?
It used to be through browsing (and looking for the ones with pretty covers. Admit it, you do it too!) but now that I’ve found all these awesome book blogs, I’ve been writing down books I want to read off of blogs.

Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
I’m all about a tidy ending…I really hate ambiguity and not knowing what happens next. Obviously, if the book is a series that’s a different story, but in the last book I’d like some sense of closure.

Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading?
Anytime, really, but more realistically, since I’m busy in school, I’m a nighttime reader.

Stand-alone or series?
Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of series and I love it. If I really love a character, I want to follow them through their life and find out what happens next. Stand alone books can be great too, but if I connect with that character, I want to know more.

Favorite series?
I’m going to have to go with…Gossip Girl. This series was probably one of the first that REALLY got me into reading YA novels. They’ve kept me hooked and now have me falling in love with the TV show, too!

Favorite children’s book?
Hmmm, I love anything Dr. Suess, but especially Oh The Places You’ll Go. I read it as a child, and then my parents gave it to me for my high school graduation, so it’s just been a really special book to me.

Favourite YA book?
For favorite YA, I’m also going to have to go with the Gossip Girl series.

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
Yeah…I don’t think I’ve read any obscure books lately.

Favorite books read last year?
Hollywood is Like High School With Money by Zoey Dean, Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster and The Diplomat’s Wife by Pam Jenoff.

Favorite book to re-read?
Harry Potter! Sucks me in every time..

Do you ever smell books?
Ummm…maybe? I LOVE the smell of bookstores though.

Do you ever read primary source documents like letters or diaries?
Nope. Any recommendations?

What are you reading right now?
Right now I’m reading, L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad.

What are you reading next?

Next, I’ll be reading Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty.

This was a lot of fun! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me and my bookish habits…Feel free to answer any of the questions in the comments. I want to learn more about you! If you’ve already done this meme, let me know so I can check yours out!


2 thoughts on “Bookish Meme”

  1. This was super fun. I'm going to try it over on my blog. Check it out here in a bit to see my answers 🙂

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