Booking Through Thursday

Today, I’m participating in Booking Through Thursday!

Today’s question is: What’s the biggest book you’ve read recently? (Feel free to think of “big” as in size or as popularity…etc.)

Interesting question! I’m going to answer this question in terms of popularity. This wasn’t SO recent (November 2008) but the “biggest” book I’ve read lately was the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer.

I was reluctant to give in to reading these books, but once I did, I was immediately sucked in to the world of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. I went through the series pretty quickly reading literally anywhere I could (cough class cough).

Meyer is certainly brilliant (though not as brilliant as J.K. Rowling) and she definitely told a great story, though I got pretty tired of her writing style.

I enjoyed reading the books the first time around, but when I tried to re-read them this summer, I really couldn’t get into it.

Are you participating in Booking Through Thursday? If not, let me know in the comments what the most biggest book you’ve read lately is!


6 thoughts on “Booking Through Thursday”

  1. The Twilight series certainly is VERY popular. I think I must be the only person left on earth who hasn't sampled it!

  2. i enjoyed the twilight saga, although have only read it once.

    i think the biggest book i've read is vikram seth's _a suitable boy_. the PB is 1488 pages! hoo boy…

  3. I loved Twilight, but I feel ok saying that because I know nothing literary. I just liked the story, ya know??

    And I, on the other hand, have read it twice. And maybe will again before the next movie comes out.

    Can you say loser?

  4. The biggest book I have read lately is Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah which I just finished this morning. It has close to 500 pages and I finished it in three days. It was so incredible, absolutely loved it.

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