I’m heading down the shore this week and I’m bringing a few great books off my “to be read (TBR)” list.

I love Jennifer Weiner, so I’m really excited to read this one. I actually haven’t ever read a review of this or heard anything about it, so I’ll be sure to let you know what I think when I’m done.
Cracked Up To Be by Courtney Summers
ISBN: 9780312383695
I’ve seen this book on a few review blogs, but I’ll admit that I chose to read it because I like the cover. I don’t think there is anything wrong with choosing a book by its cover! This seems like it’s going to be a really good Young Adult (YA) novel, and it seems like it’s going to be a quick read.
Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty
ISBN: 9780609807903
I’ve seen Meg from Write Meg! rave about this series featuring Jessica Darling. I’ve always seen them around the bookstore and I figured after seeing such great reviews, I might as well give it a try.
What’s on your TBR list these days?
i totally agree with you about the cover thing.. amazing what a cute or interestingly designed cover can do!
My to-read list just keeps getting longer and longer. Are you on Good Reads (goodreads.com)? I know a lot of 20SB-ers are.
HOORAY! I hope you love the Jessica Darling books as much as I have — I got so excited just seeing the cover, haha! Sloppy Firsts and Second Helpings were my favorites, though they were all fantastic.
Cracked Up To Be is really great, too — edgy and fast-paced. Enjoy them both — look forward to your reviews! 🙂
Sloppy first is also on my TBR list! Also the books that inspired the True Blood series.
It seems my TBR list grows everyday… I'm glad I have rediscovered Shelfari (slightly thanks to you!) and it's helping me keep on track and remember what books I wanted to read! Up first are the 8th and 9th Sookie Stackhouse book, Easy on the Eyes by Jane Porter and Misery Loves Cabernet by Kim Gruenefelder and The Wedding Girl by Madeline Wickham.