Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Writing:
My Writing Life: Playing The Long Game: Thinking making a career as a writer is easy? Think again. Laura Vanderkam describes her 20 different streams of income that contribute to her career as a writer, author and speaker. (Thanks to Jenny Blake for sharing this one!)
Want To Write Your First Ebook? Start With What You’ve Already Written: If writing an ebook sounds like a daunting task, Lisa from Elembee encourages you to start with what you’ve already written. Your blog is an amazing place to get started.
On Confidence:
Time For A Confidence Boost!: Feeling a little down? Alicia from Jaybird Blog’s motivational post will cheer you right up. She reminds us: “You are awesome, you can do this, and you deserve to feel amazing.”
On Solopreneurship:
100 Best Sites for Solopreneurs Nominations Now Open: If you know a solopreneur with an awesome website or blog, be sure to nominate them for One Woman Shop’s list of 100 Best Sites for Solopreneurs. I personally can’t wait to see this list. Hurry- get your nominations in by 3/31!
Go Your Own Way: An important reminder from Sarah Kathleen Peck: go your own way! With all the business and blog advice out there in the world, do what makes YOU feel comfortable.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
My Journey to Becoming a Yoga Teacher: Yoga Teacher Training Weekend 1: I’m getting gutsy by completing yoga teacher training. I plan to document my journey to becoming a yoga teacher. Read on for details about Weekend 1.
- Continue practicing my Sun Salutations on as many people as possible. I’ve gathered a small group for lunchtime yoga at work, so I’ve been getting some good practice teaching in!
- Complete the 30 Days of Gutsy course strong! We’ve got one week left and I’m super excited about the progress all of the students have made thus far.
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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