I Am Not For Everyone (And Neither Are You)

I am not for everyone- Jessica LawlorYou know what can really hurt sometimes?

Getting negative feedback about something you’ve created. Losing followers online. Unsubscribes from your newsletter. Hearing that someone has said something mean or untrue about you.

Here’s an example: last week I crafted my first-ever Get Gutsy blog community survey. For the most part, the results have been fantastic. I’m learning A TON about what you want, what you enjoy and what could make the Get Gutsy experience even better for you.

However, on the flip side, there have been just a handful of comments that made me stop in my tracks and go “HUH?!” But after that initial sting and singing “Hater’s gonna hate, hate, hate” in my head a couple of times, I tell myself to get over it.

I remind myself of the following:

I am not for everyone.

As much as I’d love for everyone to like me and my blog, it’s simply not the case.

We cannot let the opinions of others’ define our worth.

You are not for everyone, too.

There will always be people out there who don’t like you for one reason or another. Perhaps it’s jealously; maybe it’s simply that they don’t agree with your thinking, but in any case it really doesn’t matter.

It’s OKAY. A good thing, even!

  • When someone unsubscribes from my newsletter, it hurts for a moment and then I tell myself, “This makes space for someone who *really* wants to hear your message and engage with the community.”
  • When I received that negative blog feedback through the survey, I let it bother me for a couple of minutes (I’m human, after all!) and then remind myself that people have the right not to like every single thing I post on the blog. Instead, I choose to focus on serving those who do enjoy the blog and making their experience even more meaningful.

Because here’s the thing:

You create more joy in your life when you let go of worrying about what everyone else thinks. (Like this idea? Click here to tweet it)

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy to stop caring. It’s something I work toward a little more each and every day. But there’s certainly freedom in letting go. In not caring anymore. In giving up striving for that unattainable level of perfection.

You create more joy in your life when you embrace and accept who you truly are, regardless of outside opinions.

That is what living on purpose means to me.

Staying true to who you are, despite what everyone else may think.

There are naysayers, people who may try to knock you down and those who simply won’t understand your journey. This is where you have to dig deep to find that inner peace and calm within yourself to be confident in your decisions, path and who you really are.

Step out of your comfort zone and allow your true self to shine.

I know you can do it.

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.” -Steve Jobs

How do you deal with feelings of inadequacy due to others’ opinions? Have you learned to stop worrying about what others think? I’d love to hear your stories in the comments below.


Today’s post is part of The Soul Sessions Book Tour. I’m sharing how I live on purpose in support of my friend Dr. Danielle Dowling and her new book The Soul Sessions, a 5-week guide to crafting greater joy and making big things happen. I encourage you to check it out- you can view a free sample of the beautifully-designed workbook, worksheets and audio here.


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Meet Jessica

I live by the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and help others do the same to reach their biggest, brightest goals. Read my story here.

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