Start your week right! Every Sunday I post my favorite links from around the web and share my goals for the upcoming week.
On Freelancing:
Two Major Warning Signs Your New Freelance Client Is Big Trouble: Cat Alford says, “you haven’t made it as a solopreneur unless you’ve lost sleep over an issue with a client.” She goes on to highlight two big warning signs a freelance client may be big trouble in this post for Careful Cents.
On Goals:
10 Things Stopping You From Being Spectacularly Successful: Whenever I need a little inspiration, I stop by Ashley Wilhite’s blog and this week, as always, she doesn’t disappoint! I loved this post about the things you need to stop doing in order to reach your goals.
On Jealousy:
Don’t Be Jealous, Be Inspired: How many times have you caught yourself saying the word, “OMG, I’m so jealous!” Totally guilty right here. Rachel diCerbo reminds us that when the green monster strikes, turn that jealousy into inspiration.
On Love:
Why You Should Have Your Heart Broken Into A Million Little Pieces: Sigh. This beautiful piece, written by Drew Hoolhorst, is just too true. I really don’t have anything else to say about this post other than, you need to click on that link and read it for yourself.
On Work/Life:
11 Awkward Things About Email: If you need a laugh, this Wait But Why post will simultaneously make you laugh out loud, but also nod along in agreement. I especially can relate to #s 5, 6 and 7.
This Week on JessicaLawlor.com:
Announcing The First-Ever #GetGutsy Essay Contest: This week, I was SO excited to launch my first-ever contest, all about telling your gutsy stories from 2013 and sharing your gutsy goals for 2014. Get your essays in by January 5, 2014 and be sure to check out the announcement post for more fun details.
Monthly Check-In: Goodbye November, Hello December: Each month, I share three things I accomplished in the previous month and preview three things I’m excited about for the upcoming month. Here’s my latest monthly check-in.
- Continue the Runner’s World Holiday Running Streak! I’m 11 days in and still going strong. This week will get a bit more challenging as I’m traveling to Atlantic City for work, but I’m hoping to squeeze in a run on the boardwalk to shake up my surroundings!
- Enjoy the John Mayer concert in Baltimore on Saturday! I’m THRILLED to share that I’m attending the concert courtesy of Skype Moments. They reached out because they know how much I love me some JM and asked if I’d be willing to share my concert experience on social media. Is that even a question?! More details to come after the concert!
- Get a start on Christmas shopping. I’m way behind this year!
Have any links or goals you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments!
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