Book Review: Uncharted terriTORI by Tori Spelling

Uncharted terriTORI
Tori Spelling
ISBN: 9781439187715

Uncharted terriTORI by Tori Spelling continues the story of Tori’s infamous Hollywood life. A huge Spelling fan, I’ve raved about her other two books, but I’m not so sure I had the same reaction reading Tori’s third memoir.

Whereas Spelling’s first book focused on her relationships and her second book focused on being a mom, this third book took on life in the limelight and the ups and downs that come with fame.

The thing I LOVED about the other two books was that Tori Spelling seemed so down to earth and normal. In this book, she proclaims over and over again that she just wants to be normal but her words and actions just don’t match up.

I found myself getting annoyed reading about Tori’s “vacation” in the hospital where she was hospitalized for stress or for a migraine. In a few different chapters, Tori comes across as a hypochondriac who hauls herself to the doctor at any given moment for any small ailment.

Tori tackles the ebbs and flows of her marriage in this book and while she strives to come across as normal, her whining about her need to control everything and her constant nagging got old quite quickly.

However, I’m still a loyal Spelling fan and I did find a lot to love about this book. I always love stories of Spelling’s adorable children, Liam and Stella. I love reading about their funny and adorable moments.

Spelling still cracks me up with stories about how she got out of jury duty and the time she tried to adopt a pig from Denise Richards.

If you’ve seen the latest season of Tori and Dean on Oxygen, this book might seem a bit repetitive. Spelling was writing this book as the show was filming so we see a lot of repeat stories that have already aired on TV. However, it was still refreshing to hear the story in her own words.

The end of the story really resonated with me as Spelling attempted to get over her fear of flying and her need to always be in control by saying:

“Tightrope walkers may appear to walk effortlessly across a line, but they are working with all their muscles, with all their being, to fight the forces that constantly pull them in different directions. The more you train those muscles, the easier it is to walk that fine line. And so I creep forward, wobbly and fearful, but committed to all that I have and all that I am.”

Beautiful words and oh so true!

Even though this third book wasn’t my favorite, I’m hopeful that Tori Spelling will continue writing!



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I live by the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and help others do the same to reach their biggest, brightest goals. Read my story here.

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