A New Semester Begins

Today is the last first day of school I’ll ever have.


I just took a moment and let that sink in.

It’s insane to me that my four years of college are quickly coming to an end. I feel like it was yesterday that I was sobbing in my dorm room at Hofstra University begging my parents to take me home with them. Now that I’m at Temple, I’ve obviously transitioned quite well and found my place.

I’m looking forward to a productive, fun and memorable last semester. I hope that with my lighter than usual schedule, I’ll have more time for reading. I realized over this past winter break that I actually read more when I’m busier and on a schedule. I read way less books over break than I thought I would have. I do my most reading on the train and between classes, I guess!

I know for a fact that I’ll have more time for writing this semester because I’m taking a creative writing course. I have my first class today and I’m so excited! I’ll definitely keep you all updated on my progress during the course.

Here’s to an amazing last semester! Wish me luck.


5 thoughts on “A New Semester Begins”

  1. Can't wait to hear about your creative writing class — so fun! It just might inspire me to sign up for a workshop, too. Hoping you have a great day!

  2. I finished university just over 2 years ago now and I remember the feeling of starting my last semester. It was exciting for me, but also I remember feeling thoroughly exhausted and wondering how I would make it through (I had been there for 6 years). I am glad that you're excited and im looking forward to hearing about your creative writing class too. What degree are you studying?

  3. I hope you have a fantastic last semester! Being in that final stretch can be overwhelming, but also so exciting. Good luck with all your classes!

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I live by the saying “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” and help others do the same to reach their biggest, brightest goals. Read my story here.

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